
[O]f Caribbean Weather and Nor'Easterns

Will it Suck? Posted by Hello

  • The final One-Sheet for Revenge of the Sith was released today. Exciting? or Blah? Personally I'm very reluctant about this final film. I'll be there opening night [at midnight], but I'm ready for it to suck. The Trilogy is ruined anyways, what with the first two being massive crapfests. Let's cross our fingers for a miracle!
  • New England was hit with quite a storm last night. Massive winds and light snow makes me think: Thank god I got out of there for a week!
  • Puerto Rico is HOT. In all definitions of the word.
Last night I had dinner with Raysa, Facico, Memo and Yara. After a few Coronas during dinner, we headed out to El Balcon to drink more beer. I consumed way too much beer. Yet had the most eye-opening conversation with Yara. Los ojos estan abiertos.

I also had lunch with Ivy and she gave me a tour of St. John's School. All i gotta say: Daaaamn.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the 2nd of the star wars trilogy was not that bad. hell yeah for us getting the f- out of boston before that storm! hopefully it'll be the last one of the season!

12:36 AM  
Blogger -O! said...

Attack of the Clones was a vast improvement over The Phantom Menace, yet it came nowhere near the excellence of Empire or charm of A New Hope. It was def. the third best Star Wars film in my opinion, but not by much. And that weather better peace the fork out when our asses step back into Beantown fo sho.

12:59 AM  

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