
[O]f '05: Achievements

Happy New Year! Here bgins my posts looking back at possibly my favorite year of them all.

Greatest Achievements?

  • A soaring GPA: it reached an all-time high in May, and I somehow managed to hold it together for Spring '05.
  • SA for COM: I wanted this job from the moment I stepped foot on BU, and I managed to get it. Needless to say, it resulted in the best summer of my life.
  • Summer in Boston. aka away from PR: see above. done and done.
  • I got cultured in [theater]: I saw around 7 or 8 shows this year, more than my whole life combined. Four of those were on Broadway, including the fantastic Sweeney Todd. I experienced the harsh romance of the opera Carmen @ the A.R.T., the visual splendor of the Lion King, the raunchy humor of Avenue Q, and the concert stylings of Rent. I saw many of what CFA had to offer this semester, and it made me irk at anything Stage Troupe dared to put on.
  • I got cultured in [music]: My musical preferences have drastically changed this year. From discovering artists like Rufus Wainwright, Erykah Badu, the Roots, Sufjan Stevens, Bjork, and more that I've ignored most of my life, I saw a different part of my subconcious come to light. The most interesting part of it was how I began to ignore and see how much I didn't care for some of the music I used to love.
  • I saw RENT!: When I got to college everyone kept saying there was one show on Broadway that I had to see. Two and a half years later, on second row, I finally saw RENT and fell in love with what everyone already knew. Much shaming thus commenced.
  • Yea am I missing anything....oh wait right.... mr. l. mulshine was the greatest one.
There are many more but these are the ones that I can think of right now.


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