
[O]f Turkeys

Thanksgiving is upon me. Tomorrow I join my adoptive family [the Mulshines] for the weekend. I think I can pull of the Jewish thing for a few days. No problems.

My goals for the week:
  • See RENT. Because the 12 year old girl in me is yelling for some musical passion and unabashed corniness. I truly can't wait.
  • Watch WAR of the WORLDS. Because the unapologetic Spielberg-popcorn-flick-lover inside me can't deny how much I truly loved this film.
  • Write my TV final scene. Because I have no excuse to stop doing work just because I have no finals.
  • Somehow start my Profane Final. Because Almodovar's twisted genre [and genders] finally inspired me enough to write about sex and violence.
  • Make the Mulshines love me. Because it has to happen.
  • Not go crazy spending on Black Friday. Because I can't afford it.
I'm currently listening to Shakira's new english language album. It's okay so far. The one song I truly like right now is called "Illegal".


Anonymous Anonymous said...

check plus on your goals! you completed at least half? procrastinationnnnnnnnn.
love, eleanor. mmmmmm rum chocolates. i think i'll get one of those right now

12:25 AM  

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