
[O]f being THERE

I was there. June 15th, 2006. Rufus Wainwright. Carnegie Hall. Judy Garland. Dress Circle 3. Row CC. Seat 44.

Beautiful show. I met Anne Hathaway. Martha looked and sounded amazing.

Rufus made history.

And I was there.


[D]e las horas

Veinticuatro horas para cerrar la semana
Veinticuatro horas para decir adios.
Veinticuatro horas para terminarlo todo
Veinticuatro horas desperdiciadas.

Veinticuatro horas en mi casa
Veinticuatro horas en mi patria.

Siete meses para el regreso.
Siete meses de experimento.
Siete meses de inseguridad.
Siete meses de esperanza.

Doce horas para empaquetar.
Doce horas para terminar.
Doce horas para el comienzo.
Doce horas para un final.


[O]f Confessions...

The summer is shaping up to be one for major excitement and anticipation.

Last Wednesday [the 5th], Quinn, Adriane and I went to the Roxy to see Martha Wainwright open for Neko Case. Quinn is good friends with Brad, her bass player. To make a long story short, Martha and I are now like this [crosses index and middle finger].

Following my enchanting evening backstage with the quirky Martha Wainwright, I have charmed her and her people enough for a second invite. [That and the wonderful Quinn Strassel]. On June 15th, I will be seeing Rufus Wainwright Live at Carnegie Hall in La Gran Manzana. I have pretty decent seats, those of front first level balcony. However, [and I'm not banking too much on this] there is a chance that I will have the opportunity to go backstage after [or before] the concert to meet the amazing Rufus and see Martha and Brad one more time. Orgasmic. I know.

Then, an event almost ten years in the making. Ever since Madonna visited Puerto Rico [during her Blonde Ambition Years] and wiped her crotch with the Puerto Rican flag [a big no no], I have been dying to see her live on stage. Well...the calls have been answered and this July 6th, I will be seeing Madge confess it all from 16th row. Orgasmic. I know.


[O]f the best hour on TV

Man I have not talked about 24 this season at all. But after tonight's episode, one cannot deny that the best hour on television belongs to twenty-four. This season has been really interesting because they have taken a very different approach to the episodes than seasons past. There have been a lot of sublte episodes with the dealings of the dumbass President, a lot of deaths, a lot of set-up. This episode was the kicker. Torture, deaths, betrayals, explosions, sexual harassment, oh my god I think about it and get chills.

I love 24


[O]f reflections

I have learned more about myself in this past week than I ever thought I would or want to know. Living through the rollercoaster of emotions that I was exposed to has given me more to love and want and desire and strive for than ever before. Life is too fucking short to let it sit idly by and come to you. I've had to re-evaluate many things about my life, the things I'm doing, the directions I am headed in, and the people that are important in my life. I still feel raw and shaken about the past week, and my thoughts, desires, and decisions are rather passionate and harsh, but this is the moment, just like in the movies, where the road splits in two, and the main character must make a choice that already has been made for him.


[O]f a life less traveled.

life poster
Originally uploaded by Oscalito.

The next few weeks are going to be interesting affairs and tests in my own personality, character, and soul. Tomorrow I leave to San Francisco, California, a place I have always dreamed of visiting.

I can't wait to drive down Lombardi, jump on a cable car, and take a picture of the Golden Gate Bridge. Ah the Golden Gate... everyone must think I'm crazy, but I'm dying to see it in person. To drive through it and into a Redwood.

The next week might possibly be the biggest risk and adventure I have taken in a while. Uncertainty and nervousness overtake my emotions right now, as I have no idea what to expect from my Spring Break. I could have gone home, but that would have been the easy way out. I need to experience and live and do things I have never done. I might not be in Puerto Rico until Christmas, but I have the opportunities of a lifetime waiting for me in the coming months.

When I return from California, we begin pre-production on 'Sweet Catastrophe' the final film for our Production 2 class. I'll be Director of Photography, and while not my original choice of job, still one I'm supremely excited about undertaking. My experiece as DP will determine what the my next step after college will be. Looking forward to the future, I am contemplating continuing my studies and further developing my skills as either a director or cinematographer. This way I can truly find my calling and move on to a professional setting where I would be truly comfortable working in.

All of this is still more than a year off, and I still need to focus on the new challenges that the time between now and December will bring. I had my two interviews to be a Resident Assistant, and by the end of the month, will know if I was offered a position [and whether or not I'm taking it ;-)] Along with that, being Peer Advising Coordinator for COM next year is going to be quite the challenge, but, proving that I can handle it, I'm very much ready to take on the beast of the new freshman class and twenty new Peer Advisors that will help me usher in the new era of Communicators. I take with me to California and enveloped filled to the brim with 60 or so applications that I need to read over and evaluate before we begin conducting interviews. I have taken upon myself [and two others] to select the best of the best and pick the 20 individuals that are truly exceptional and will be the best welcome wagon to the class of 2010 [yikes!].

Another thing is my blog. On March 8, 2006, my blog will officially be a year old. I'm sad that I won't be around to create a one year post, but this is my way of recognizing it. It's amazing how much in a different place in life I was at this very moment one year ago, and how much has changed since then. The reasons for me being in PR, for creatying this blog, for the need to express myself, to write. I'm glad I stuck to it and did something for myself for once. A lot has risen from this blog, from my writing lists to writing in another journal, to looking at things in a different light. Priorities have shifted, minds have expanded, and my life....well...It has lived...just not enough.

For now I will close my eyes and take another step into the unknown and the future. Let's take another ride, another year.

See you in a week.