
[Of] me me me me

clone party
Originally uploaded by Oscalito.

I think I have finally begun moving one from the whole "let's live life with others in mind" and trying to live for myself. This past ten days or so have been awesome and not because someone else has made them awesome but because I have done what I want, when I want, with the people I want in the ways I want. I hate selfishness, but I think it's time that for once in my life I begin thinking about myself and making sure I'm happy first and foremost.

In a few days, I'll be heading on out to San Francisco, a risky decision that was all me, all the time. A bunch of people told me not to go, but I've always wanted to go to Cali, and I am making it happen. Next stop? Europe? Italia? Grad School? Espana? Who knows?!


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