
[O]f Lesbians, Classes, Heroes, And a galaxy far, far away.

Back on the roll of things, school classes and life have caught up with me. But it's not gonna be so bad.

BU is interesting:
  • I am so far from being political.
  • I think I'm past my ASB times. Puerto Rico is just too enticing.
  • Caila speaks the truth.
Some other radom crap:
  • I don't really watch American Idol [Kelly will forever be the only one], but I caught Mario Vazquez performing once. He wasn't that bad. Total flamer tho. And this just proves it. [via Gawker]
  • Angelina Jolie a lesbian or a promoter for equal opportunity sexuality? This should make the world happy.
  • Am i thinking girl or boy? Posted by Hello
  • Darlin' one of my fave films of last year is out on DVD tomorrow. Buy The Incredibles.
  • Jack Bauer is my freakin hero and I don't want to hear anyone knocking the most exciting hour on TV right now: 24.
  • Suddenly I'm insanely excited for Revenge of the Sith. That trailer after The OC last week kicked some major ass, and I can't wait to see Samuel L. Jackson meet his fate. But most importantly: CHEWIE IS BACK! [watch the trailer]

So I'm back in Boston, really happy and enjoying the weather for a change. It doesn't bother me as much anymore. I spent the weekend drinking, watching movies, and enjoying my time with friends, both new and old.


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