
[O]f being Boricua

I found the greatest list randomly on the internet. This is para los Boricuas de pura cepa. Not for those wannabes that say they're "Puerto Rican" but have never stepped foot in the island. Only true, native, born and raised Boricuas need apply. "Que Thank You"

  • If you grew up scared of something called "El Cuco"
  • If mom can't cook because there is no "sofrito"
  • If dinner usually consists of rice and beans with some type of meat
  • If you've had plantains in every possible way a human can have platains
  • If you were raised on "Goya" products
  • If you use your nose or lips to point something out.
  • If you've ever dropped food, eaten it and said "Lo que no mata engorda"
  • If you have ever been hit by a "chancleta"
  • If you refer to cereal as "confley"
  • If others tell you to stop screaming when you are really talking
  • If you can get to your house blindfolded because the smell of chuleta is so strong.
  • If you can dance salsa or merengue without music
  • If you've been in a compact car with over 5 people in it and someone still yells "caben mas!"
  • If you call your sneakers "tenis"
  • If you start clapping when your plane lands on the runway.
  • If NONOS holds a special place in your heart.
  • If you go to Plaza to cool off.
There is nothing like being Puerto Rican and from the island.
Damn right! Here's proof! [via Oh la la...]


[O]f a Goblet of Fire

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire's teaser poster and trailer have just been released! It will be very interesting to see how this director [Mike Newell] will top Alfonso Cuaron's Prisoner of Azkaban. So far it looks just as moody and exciting as the last one, so let's hope everything works out! Here's the trailer!


[O]f a first review

Variety is the first to review Star Wars: Episode III: The Revenge of the Sith...

and it is a vvery, very positive review. And I quote:

"Entertaining from start to finish and even enthralling at times..."


[O]f a Sith Lord

17 Days

Just a few more days until Episode III is unleashed. I'm very excited. VERY. I bought tix for the midnight show on May 18th. The shit is going down in Revenge of the Sith.