
[O]f the birthday girl

The wife is 20
. No more 'I'm older and wiser BS'...until February.

Enjoy yourselves bitches! It's a celebration!

Isa's 20. She gets to Boston on Wednesday. Taking New Englandd by storm. Then Puerto Rico Socializing in August. The Remix.


[O]f being halfway through

Summer 2k5. Best one in my life I say.

I haven't written in this thing for a long time, but now it's time for the return. I go back and forth between the personal and the superficial, but I do as I please I guess.

This has been, as the wise SLG put it, "the summer of love and slurpees..." but I like to put my own spin to it.

This has been the summer of love, slurpees, potlucks, SAPAS, relaxation, and overwhelming happiness.

Ever since the summer began, working @ OOCS has taken over my life. For the first two weeks, all the SAPAS and FYCOS lived at Warren Towers. Room 1010C with my wonderful roommate Mr. John High. Those two weeks were wonderfully amazing. Waking up to have breakfast at Towers. Having awkward run-ins with people I don't particularly enjoy at that Dining Hall. Then going off to the GSU for some intense training. Afterwards we would probably end up at skit rehearsal. Where to this day I still do not understand my part.

Those two weeks were also spent getting to know my coworkers. People that today I feel insanely close to. The SAPAS are absolutely fantastic people, and this summer life has been unlike any I've had before. My COM SA crew is the funniest in the world. Karlis cracks me up with just a look; Scott may be the funniest man alive. They are my backup, and as the baby of the group, it's fun to be around them all the time. I've gotten to know so many people so well in such a short time may seem overwhelming, but it fits.
As everything I have gotten closer to some rather than others. And closest to one person in particular. :-)

Once training finished, the real deal began. Mondays and Tuesdays I work @ COM 9-5. Then Wednesdays begin at 9am and Orientation does not finish until Fridays at 3pm. We've gone through 3 sessions. The third being the craziest, but great nonetheless. The incoming freshmen are really cool [at least my groups], so I'm excited for next year.
The weekends are where it's at. Things have happened so fast that they seem like a blur, but every single weekend, I do something new and exciting, something I had never done in Boston. We've had picnics at the Commons, I stayed up all night with Liam watching Music Videos on Memorial Day, we have been to some crazy parties, BBQS at Jon's, gone to IHOP at 2am [and had a fun, odd moment], been in cars all around Boston, visited Providence, RI for a WaterFire event, went through the PRIDE Parade and celebrations, had potlucks every Tuesday with the SAPAS, gotten too many Slurpees @ 7/11, grown to love and obsess over Pad Thai, hung out by the Esplanade, swimming? in the COM fountain, seen more plays than ever [partly because of a certain actor's influence], spent waaaay too much money, shopped like crazy, and basically have enjoyed to the fullest a summer and a time when I have no academic responsibilities, and a time when I have been able to get closer to someone like never before.

And tomorrow, we're going to Six Flags.

Absolutely, positively, happy about everything. And that's why I write this. Because that's how I feel at this very moment, and I want to remember it from now and in the future.
