
[D]e mi corazón

Maybe it's time to be clear about who I am.
I am someone who is looking for love.
Real love.
Ridiculous, inconvenient, consuming,
can't-live-without-each-other love.

Verde que te quiero verde...

Reflejando de mi pasado y el presente y en lo que me espera este futuro inseguro, miro hacia adelante con confianza y esperanza. El mundo no se acaba, sino que empieza de otra manera.


[O]f not quite new year's resolutions

I will:
  • Find something to do each day I'm here
  • Find something I've never done in Puerto Rico...and do it
  • I will visit the museums it has to offer
  • I will travel on my own and keep myself busy
I won't:
  • Stay in my house thinking and moping about Liam
  • freak out about the dumbest things
  • Create inecessary problems
  • Try to overcompensate Liam's absence
  • Overwork myself
But still:
  • I'll miss liam like crazy
  • work to build a bridge between DC and PR
  • or maybe Boston and Arezzo
  • Be happy with myself, the moment, the situation, the future
  • and count the days


[O]f Navidad

Feliz Navidad


[O]f the end, and the beginning

So I am back in GuadamexiRico. It's sweltering hot and I'm missing my love.
Soon Liam will be in Italia, I'll be back in Boston, and my nipples will be frozen once again.
But first, Puerto Rico....

i miss you matzabalito.
thank you for everything.


[O]f right here, right now

There's something eerie about being in my room, watching Todo sobre mi madre, that strangely parallels last year when I saw it at the Holiday Inn. This semester needs to end, so I can face the things I've been dreading since June.


Here's to the next year sucking just as much as the same time this year did.

Happy New Year Oscar! Love, Life.