
[O]f '06 Resolutions

Maybe this time I'll actually keep up these resolutions and in the next year look back and proudly see how much I have accomplished. I think my current state of being will help me keep busy and try more and more new things and maybe not finish these, but at least give it a try.
So without further adieu(?), here it is:

  • Keep my grades/school work up. I am taking more classes this semester than I ever have, but I know I can keep it together and survive it all. Is it wrong that I right now want to audit a sixth class? Am I crazy?
  • Try out some yoga/zen meditation. Both Nicole and Isa have expressed interest in this, and I plan to make it happen, whether it is through PDPs or studios, or buying a book and some DVDs, I will try it out and see where it takes me.
  • Work on more calligraphy. Liam tapped onto a little quirk of mine (saying how I like something or want to do something or try something out, but never actually do it), and has inspired me to follow through with his book and pen gift and actually get good at calligraphy. Today I went to get another book or better pens but was unable to find something worthwhile. I have been practicing all month, and I have no plans of stopping.
  • Work out. Even if it means going running @ fitrec every day, I need to get into better shape. OOCS made me feel like a pig all summer with the grotesque amount of junk food they fed us, and my complete disregard for the gym. My goal isn't to lose weight as much as it is to feel better about myself, and not be so uncomfortable in my shoes.
  • Save money. I cannot keep spending money like I did all last year. If I learned anything from Liam it's his non-materialism. I need to evaluate things A LOT more before giving up my cash, especially taking Production II this semester.
  • Create a Prod II short that means something. And that I'm 100% proud of. A lot of work, but I think I have it in me.
  • Not be afraid to be alone. Not even single, but doing thins alone; like eating at the dining hall, going shopping, going to a museum, or seeing a movie.
  • Check my emotions at the door. I need to keep it together for the next 5 months.
  • I will not allow the weather to depress me. It happened last year, and the situation of the present could add potentiality to this one, but I will not let it happen.
  • Write more. In my blog, in my journal, in emails, in screenplays.
  • Go to Europe. No matter what happens in my personal life, I want to travel to Europe even if it's by myself at some point this year.
  • Not apologize so much. Sometimes I can hear myself apologizing and annoy myself at the moment. Believe me I do it.
  • Try out different martinis. I just like them, and want them.
  • COOK a lot more in my apartment. Try out different recipes, and try to even eat healthy.
  • Keep expanding my musical tastes. I think I did pretty good this year. Now for more.
  • Stop watching so much TV. Get out more.
  • Go see more films at Coolidge, Brattle, and Kendall.

I also have a few wishes for 2006. These are different than resolutions, at least in my eyes. And whatever it's my blog so I can call whatever I want however I desire:

  • Liam
  • Return to NYC: I went 3 amazing times to the city in 2005. I want to return.
  • See RENT on Broadway again. Only through rush tix of course.
  • And on that note, seeing Sweeney Todd with better seats would be awesome too.
  • Fine I want to see Wicked too....damn what's with all the musical theater? I blame the summer.
  • The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Always a good year when a new Zelda is released.
  • Find a cheap, awesome summer home.
I have so many more wishes, dreams and resolutions for 2006, but I will stop here. The most important one?
Live my life one day at a time. Not freak out about the future. Accept things for what they are.


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