
[Of] me me me me

clone party
Originally uploaded by Oscalito.

I think I have finally begun moving one from the whole "let's live life with others in mind" and trying to live for myself. This past ten days or so have been awesome and not because someone else has made them awesome but because I have done what I want, when I want, with the people I want in the ways I want. I hate selfishness, but I think it's time that for once in my life I begin thinking about myself and making sure I'm happy first and foremost.

In a few days, I'll be heading on out to San Francisco, a risky decision that was all me, all the time. A bunch of people told me not to go, but I've always wanted to go to Cali, and I am making it happen. Next stop? Europe? Italia? Grad School? Espana? Who knows?!


[O]f the aforementioned wingmen

Xtine and J Red
Originally uploaded by Oscalito.

Here they are.

One bought me my first legal beer in a Boston bar. The other gave me my first tiny bar crawl, from Tonic to Our House, and introduced the joy of a Jager Bomb into my life.

The three of us went on a 5 day drinking binge that began with Mardi Gras and ended with Kareoke. We had a day of rest...and now the weekend has arrived.

It's already complicated with one, let's keep it like that.

[O]f the whole 21 thing

Mark Zupan is behind me
Originally uploaded by Oscalito.

So being 21 is pretty damn fun. Boston has become like a frigid Puerto Rico...you know... if Puerto Rico charged $6 for a Corona. I feel like the social gods have decended upon me after a three year hiatus, and I'm like a 17 year old Puerto Rican discovering the glories of Old San Juan bars.

Boston [and the US] is quite different though. They check your ID EVERYWHERE. I guess it's all about sticking to the law, but it seems that people have such focus on drinking here and going to bars that there's no other choice.

Puerto Rican social life is more about going and having fun with your friends and strangers, not about going out for a drink. The drinking and the bar thing is more of an afterthought to the whole situation. We go to one bar, have a drink, play pool, talk, maybe dance, then keep going. It's so cold here that you need to think long and hard about moving anywhere.

Regardless, it is a blast. I've been to Pour House, T's Pub, Tonic, and Our House. And of course, the BU Pub. On the way, I've picked up some new wingmen, Jared and Xtine, my partners in alcholic crime.

Here's to 80 more days of Jager Bombs and drunken five day marathons!


[O]f turning legal again

Yup. I'm 21, and none the wiser. Getting a beer at sunset or going out to a bar isn't even that exciting. But hey, liberties are liberties!