
[O]f a new iPod

Great. Awesome. Revolutionary? I doubt it. I got my ipod [GOB ver 2.0, a 30gb iPod photo] in April. Since then, all iPod's went color, Ipod minis were deleted, iPod nanos introduced, iPod photo no longer called that, 30gb iPods vamoosed, and now, we're back. iPod 30gb are back, at the same price as what I paid for my old one, not 10 months ago. But now, they play videos.

Itunes Music Store is now in ver. 6, which has a spectacular library of music videos. For $1.99 each. Great. Awesome. Remember a week ago? When they were free? Yea me too. Want to see music videos? Go to AOL Music On Demand. Thousands of songs and music videos, for free. Sure you can;t put them in your iPod video, but they're there, and free. You could always download music videos for free [anywhere] and convert them to your new iPod video.

Will I get one? Not yet. I'm going to wait for the next-gen of iPods. I need Bluetooth or WiFi, FM [or XM] transimissions, and the like. Then I can go online, buy music through Itunes right on my iPod. then go to AOL and stream my music videos. Soon.


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