
[O]f a Spring Arrival

Spring is Here!

And for those who haven't noticed, it hasn't been colder than [!]35[!] degrees for the past week. How Hot is that?

Of course what this means is that all the little New Englanders are starting to walk around with flip flops, shorts, mini skirts, et al. [<---wtf?] Because this is summer for them of course. Only those of us priviledged to know what real flip flop, shorts, t-shirt, and mini skirt weather is truly like can look at these people with ridicule because [hello] it's not that kind of weather yet. These people look STOOPID. So please stop. You're not cool. Or edgy. Or [I'm so tuff I can weather this weather]. Because honestly. It's still freezing outside. Live the lie. But until it's like 60 and the sun is beating down on me like crazy, I will not be wearing flip flops. And it has to be at least 70 for the shorts to come out of hiding. Miniskirts? Honestly. Freeze your poon. Not like I'm gonna use or care about it. Boston really breeds new type of people.

- The Ring two is out, and while scary and money-making [Ring trés is in pre-pro], it was a disappointment. Nothing like the original remake to make me fear televisions and this new BUTV we got.
-Frank Miller's Sin City is out next week. Can't wait to see what Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino have cooked up this time.
-Don't hate on the Birthday Girl!
-Lowell is the next Spidey Villain. Am I the only one who feels a little weird about this?

Ice Breakers suck, unless they result with you rolling around in the mud and snow with a bunch of boys and girls you had met a few hours prior. Which is exactly how I spent my weekend. [Y?] 'Cuz I'm staying here in BOSTON for the summer! And working for BU Orientation, so we had a retreat where I met the insanely cool people I will be living with during the summer. After bonding harder than two lonely Boy Scouts alone in tents, I returned to Boston with around 50 new friends and excited for the adventures of the summer. YAY!


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