
[O]f musical things

  • Madonna's new video is hot. Her new album hopefully will be as well. That is all.

  • Shakira's new video, for "Don't Bother", is unfortunately not as good as the ones for "No" and "La Tortura." The song's awesome, and I'm sure Oral Fixation Vol. 2 will be good, but I doubt it'll be as good as Vol. 1.

  • This is for Liam: Rufus to rerelease Want. I'll get to see Rufus-love, now that I'm in on it as well. Maybe I'll even buy the CD.

  • So Harriet Myers withdrew her nomination to the Supreme Court. Anyone surprised by this?

  • Tomorrow I leave for NYC with Liam. We're seeing Sweeney Todd and The Lion King on Broadway. Awesome? I think so.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bob's wish-list du jour:

get the new Rufus LP IMMEDIATELY

hide in Oscar's suitcase and go to NY instead of doing stupid musical shit here in Boston!

9:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oooh and i'll hide in liam's suitcase and it'll be a party! too bad saturday has come and gone.

11:01 AM  
Blogger -O! said...

Ah bob and smelly[?]

NYC was wonderful, and your presence was greatly missed

1:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha smelly=smelleanor=eleanor. if you didn't get that. i've pretty much accepted that as my nickname.

7:05 PM  

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