
[O]f an unknown powerhouse

Over the weekend my eyes were opened to something very few people at BU know about, CFA shows. Now, a lot of people know about acting and theater and music majors in this university, but it is very few of us that take the time out to see these shows. Now granted, I probably wouldn't have taken the time to see any show had my boyfriend not been in one of them and introduced me to so many wonderful people, but regardless, I saw two shows that blew me away. Troilus and Cressida, the Shakespeare play about the Trojan War, and Trojan Women, the tragic story of the surviving women of the Trojan war, were exercises in excellent acting. The first featured an ensemble cast that brought to life the inter-relationships of the Greeks and the Trojans in a bare stage. The three hour production was sharply acted, and the three hours breezed on by. I didn't know what to expect coming in, especially of what Liam had told me about it, but I was pleasantly surprised and excited once the show was over. Trojan Women, on the other hand, was performed in a classroom, but the raw performances by the all-female cast was absolutely breathtaking. I was at a loss for words in the end and near tears at some points.

The saddest thing about these shows is that nobody goes to see them. Instead crap produced by OB or Stage Troupe get sold out shows and mass accolades. Shows of these nature seem to be directed by most anyone and the acting is bearable at best. And the people behind them, if they are such theater snobs, why do they never go to the shows CFA, the professionals, put on? Some of the non-CFA show that I've seen have been mediocre at best, but regarded as masterpieces. The acting makes a two-hour show seem like a lifetime event, and the directing is basic and shoddy. Anyone can direct these days.

I'm kinda sad 'cuz Liam just called me from leaving his last show, and out of the 80-some people that he invited to go see his show, maybe 2 showed up. And that was to Friday's show. He feels like not many people support him. I feel bad 'cuz I wasn't there for his last performance, even though I was there for his last two. He knows how much I support him, and it even frustrates me that noone showed, because the shows are so good. People makes so much about making time to see other shows, paying money for them, yet neglect shows like his which are free.

Whatever. People will realize this soon. And I'm going to make it my goal to go see these magnifficent shows even when my Liam is far away.


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