
[O]f a quick update

Okay so this is very not me, but I've read a few things that I need to write about.

First things first: My lifelong friend Faccio Figueroa is currently in third place at the youth Hobie Cat World Championships in South Africa. I've known this kid since I was I believe 4, and I wouldn't be surprised to see him in the 2008 Olympics representing Puerto Rico. HERE are the current standings of the races.

Faccio is in the far left, with the white stripe down his sleeve. Go to the website to see the big thing!

Then, I just read that Peter Jackson's King Kong is going to be three hours long. Normally this would be a bad sign, but hey, this man made a damn good 13 hour movie.

ok...now i dont remember anything else. I'm too excited about Faccio.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wait what is this i hear about thanksgiving in nyc?? i think i just overheard something about it when my mom was on the phone with liam.

7:14 PM  

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