
[O]f a Marathon of info

This past weekend, Boston University was host to the 3rd annual Dance Marathon, a 12-hour dance-a-thon to raise money for pediatric AIDS, where we were able to raise $80,000, $30,000 more than last year. Good causes are THE SHIT.

BU was also host to Footloose! A BU On Broadway production, Footloose! is a musical about a town where dancing has been outlawed. Yes, outlawed. But after a lot of great singing and dancing, thing turn out well, and the town gets grooving. It's was a simple, fun show with a great cast, excellent music, and awesome dancing.

In other news:
  • 24, was once again, absolutely stunning. While the much hyped twist could be seen a million miles away, i still got chills when Air Force One was shot own and the President killed. And where's Beihrooz?
  • I recently rediscovered Lost, a show that just gets more insane as each episode is aired. The passt two episodes have been quite the trip and a test in puzzles and insanity. Can't wait to see where all this crazy shit ends up with.
  • holy shit fuck! BRITNEY SPEARS WILL HAVE A REALITY TV SHOW ABOUT HER LIFE ON UPN! now THIS is what BU got cable for!
  • This weekend I'm going to Montreal wit some awesome people! Break out the pink red bull, the french translation books, and throw out your livers!
  • This is hilariously cute.
  • Now this is using Photoshop for its true purposes.
So, yea. I think I want new jeans.

And an Ipod Shuffle.

Can't really explain why.....


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