
[O]f My Marriage

So yes. The [Rumur]'s are true. Isabel a la Mode said yes, and we are now a full-on blog-married. The days of Cananada ditching, bottle breaking are over; and the true Red Bull and Vodka days will continue until our [fabulous] deaths. I have to say that even though she isn't 20 yet she is over her commitment phobia, I thought I'd mature and make it through. Commitments like this I can handle, especially with some Pink Red Bull.

And what a commitment it will be! All the BU Male Life news and gossip will be handled with care, as the world of us poor socialites, gossip, and news will be too. And I'd like to reiterate, don't bug us with the wedding invitations. You should know if you are in. Check your socialite card...check it again. Don't have one? awwww. Take a guess. The wedding will be the spot to be. BU will not be the same after this. Bring on the OC, 24, FREEP [disaster!], and the new GSU, the FitRec [no spot like those ellipticals overlooking the pool].

So if you all would join us, feel free to leave a message and congratulate us. We will love you like that.

Isa, this is just for you:

[the ring]

And a special treat, just for my WIFE.

[MK and her horse]

[Someone sleeps!]


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