
[O]f a great dead terrorist


They killed DINA! The greatest villaness to grace TV in forever got killed off after a SPECTACULAR run on 24. No more 'Behroooooz' to look forward to. I am absolutely in love with Shohreh Aghdashloo. She steals every fucking scene she's in, and is a fantastic actress. Her voice is haunting, scary, yet enchanting at the same time. It is a sad day for 24, but I have to say, that was one hell of a way to go. It started out as a pretty cliché scene, but what a twist! Then bam! She's gone and there's no time to process the immensity of what just happened. We went straight to next week. The terrorists are in control of an Air force Bomber. uh oh....

Wanna hear a creepy coked out horny Pat O'Brian? Of course you do. Click here!
Adding fuel to the fire: ew ew ew, ew ew ew.
The world is not ready.

Okay so three updates in one day. Someone's ignoring work!


[O]f a Spring Arrival

Spring is Here!

And for those who haven't noticed, it hasn't been colder than [!]35[!] degrees for the past week. How Hot is that?

Of course what this means is that all the little New Englanders are starting to walk around with flip flops, shorts, mini skirts, et al. [<---wtf?] Because this is summer for them of course. Only those of us priviledged to know what real flip flop, shorts, t-shirt, and mini skirt weather is truly like can look at these people with ridicule because [hello] it's not that kind of weather yet. These people look STOOPID. So please stop. You're not cool. Or edgy. Or [I'm so tuff I can weather this weather]. Because honestly. It's still freezing outside. Live the lie. But until it's like 60 and the sun is beating down on me like crazy, I will not be wearing flip flops. And it has to be at least 70 for the shorts to come out of hiding. Miniskirts? Honestly. Freeze your poon. Not like I'm gonna use or care about it. Boston really breeds new type of people.

- The Ring two is out, and while scary and money-making [Ring trés is in pre-pro], it was a disappointment. Nothing like the original remake to make me fear televisions and this new BUTV we got.
-Frank Miller's Sin City is out next week. Can't wait to see what Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino have cooked up this time.
-Don't hate on the Birthday Girl!
-Lowell is the next Spidey Villain. Am I the only one who feels a little weird about this?

Ice Breakers suck, unless they result with you rolling around in the mud and snow with a bunch of boys and girls you had met a few hours prior. Which is exactly how I spent my weekend. [Y?] 'Cuz I'm staying here in BOSTON for the summer! And working for BU Orientation, so we had a retreat where I met the insanely cool people I will be living with during the summer. After bonding harder than two lonely Boy Scouts alone in tents, I returned to Boston with around 50 new friends and excited for the adventures of the summer. YAY!

[O]f an iMix

Currently on my iTunes most played tunes:

-Te Me Puedo Escapar-
Vico C + Cultura Profetica = one hell of a song. This old school Puerto Rican 'poet' teams up with the greatest reggae band from the Island to tell the story of a represed child seeking attention from an uncaring parent. It's an excellent collaboration that successfully merges two different genres

Frankie J rides the wave that began with "Oye Mi Canto", singing a catchy Spanglish tune. Nothing too memorable, but fun for now.

-Oh -
Ciara returns with her thirs cut off her album. This time collaborating with Ludacris for a sexy number that seems a bit more of the same, yet I'm not complaining. I'd just like to hear something where it's just her.

-I Believe in You-
Kylie Minogue teams up with Jake Shears for this sensual track reminiscent of her Slow days. Good if only for the bridge.

-One Thing-
A song blowing up all over, yet I find it hard to like. It slowly grows on me, and I caught myself humming it a few days ago. The drums, beat, and singing rhythm is a bit distracting at first, but somehow, it works.

Gwen samples B.I.G. for a track about Pimps and Egyptian cotton. It's one of my fav. tracks off her excellent album, and as hot as it gets without being forced.

-Caught Up-
Usher's latest, hottest club track. Catchier than Yeah and more intoxicating than Burn, the track is just...fun.

-Since You've Been Gone-
I've never seen so many ppl get so happy so fast as when this song comes on @ Embassy. Anthem much? Kelly Clarkson just rocks out with the song many artists wish they had.
[And I'm seeing her in concert!]


[O]f Procratination, Credit, the Incredibles, and a little Elf

In a feeble attempt to ignore this ten page paper due tomorrow that I haven't started [lie] and probably won't even do [lie], I watched quite the amazing (for lack of an obvious superlative) film last night, The Incredibles. That is quality filmmaking right there. Story, action, animation, emotions, and the attention to detail is impressive. Brad Bird [director] proves that the Iron Giant was no fluke.

I also got a credit card, where Bank of America wants me to put a picture of something on its face. I debate putting a picture of myself for coming off as a "superficial pretentious asshole [thnx SLG]" but, honestly I could give a flying fuck what ppl think of me. But then I thought it would be cute putting a pic of Puerto Rico, but then it looks weird. Any suggestions?

Alicia Keys will be performing @ Agganis Arena on April 27th. Tix go on sale on Friday and I'm so there. I saw her last year with Beyonce and she almost stole the show. Can't wait to see what she does as a headliner.

Everyone knows and loves The Legend of Zelda. Link has a place in everyone's heart. right? thought so. He's back, and looking better than ever. Take a Look.

Ok. I'm off to kick this paper's English Folkloric Ass.


[O]f Lesbians, Classes, Heroes, And a galaxy far, far away.

Back on the roll of things, school classes and life have caught up with me. But it's not gonna be so bad.

BU is interesting:
  • I am so far from being political.
  • I think I'm past my ASB times. Puerto Rico is just too enticing.
  • Caila speaks the truth.
Some other radom crap:
  • I don't really watch American Idol [Kelly will forever be the only one], but I caught Mario Vazquez performing once. He wasn't that bad. Total flamer tho. And this just proves it. [via Gawker]
  • Angelina Jolie a lesbian or a promoter for equal opportunity sexuality? This should make the world happy.
  • Am i thinking girl or boy? Posted by Hello
  • Darlin' one of my fave films of last year is out on DVD tomorrow. Buy The Incredibles.
  • Jack Bauer is my freakin hero and I don't want to hear anyone knocking the most exciting hour on TV right now: 24.
  • Suddenly I'm insanely excited for Revenge of the Sith. That trailer after The OC last week kicked some major ass, and I can't wait to see Samuel L. Jackson meet his fate. But most importantly: CHEWIE IS BACK! [watch the trailer]

So I'm back in Boston, really happy and enjoying the weather for a change. It doesn't bother me as much anymore. I spent the weekend drinking, watching movies, and enjoying my time with friends, both new and old.


[O]f Massacres, Booties, and Boobies

50 Cent debuted at #1 on Billboard's Hot 200 Album Sales Chart this week, selling over a million copies of his sophomore CD "The Massacre." Jenny from the Block sold less than a quarter of what Fitty sold, but anyone could see this coming. While Jenny had a blazing song and sweaty video [Get Right], Fitty had three hit songs [Candy Shop, How we do, and Disco Inferno] in the past two months, plus a beef with collaborator The Game, that [of course] got squashed just in time for the album release. How very convenient.
[via Pink!]
More proof of how a fuego Puerto Rico was with the arrival of Usher and his televised concert. Beyonce is one hot booty, as she proved she could perrear as well as any Puerto Rican mami in the island.

Britney Spears was reported to appear topless in an upcoming issue of Allure. But the PR kings [mostly queens actually] spunn this story in the [as always] deceiving way. Of course she's not going to be topless. Well, she will be, but we won't be able to see her Bit Bits. Damn! [via Superficial]

~Today I spent my last day in Puerto Rico at the beach with Raysa and Faccio. It was quite the Puerto Rican affair, with coconuts, bacalitos, and alcapurrias galore. Yet the most exciting thing? i got a tan!~

[O]f a charity case

John Varvatos Posted by Hello

John Varvatos held his third annual charity auction, benefitting the Stuart House Rape Crisis Center at Santa Monica-UCLA Medical Center. In the past, hosts have included Eric McCormick, David Schwimmer, and Greg Kinnear. It was Schwimmer's second year in a row of hosting the event.

Miss SLG herself co-pitched the event last summer and worked on getting all the celebs there. Look at her, being all PR and shiz. :-)


[O]f Caribbean Weather and Nor'Easterns

Will it Suck? Posted by Hello

  • The final One-Sheet for Revenge of the Sith was released today. Exciting? or Blah? Personally I'm very reluctant about this final film. I'll be there opening night [at midnight], but I'm ready for it to suck. The Trilogy is ruined anyways, what with the first two being massive crapfests. Let's cross our fingers for a miracle!
  • New England was hit with quite a storm last night. Massive winds and light snow makes me think: Thank god I got out of there for a week!
  • Puerto Rico is HOT. In all definitions of the word.
Last night I had dinner with Raysa, Facico, Memo and Yara. After a few Coronas during dinner, we headed out to El Balcon to drink more beer. I consumed way too much beer. Yet had the most eye-opening conversation with Yara. Los ojos estan abiertos.

I also had lunch with Ivy and she gave me a tour of St. John's School. All i gotta say: Daaaamn.


working out some more kinks....

[O]f Summer in a Bostonian Winter.

Let the games begin!

Starting the space with a little recap of the past few days.
I'm currently located in beautiful, sunny Puerto Rico. Spring Break was kind to me and brought gorgeous 80 degree weather to this boy stuck in a snowy 20 degree Boston. The end looms near as the beginning has barely begun. 5 days and counting.

The news:
  • 24 keeps getting better and better. Today Driscoll had to deal with her daughter's suicide, promting her to quit CTU, and Tony was appointed provisional head of CTU. on the other side of town, THE MUMMY was still loose around LA, and we learned that there is another super secret terrorist plan that might cost him his life. Because kidnapping the Secretary of Defense, trying to webcast his murder, and then causing a Nuclear Meltdown wasn't enough. Jack was busy trying to get some background info on THE MUMMY, yet the big boys that unwittingly hired a terrorist were afraid of losing their company, so they set out to sabotage JAck's research by pumping out an EMT bomb that buzzed out all electrical equipment in an 8-mile radius. Now, Jack is stuck in a building and being hunted down by the big boys, while CTU gets a new director: Tony's ex-wife. "I used to be married to that woman" BOOOOOOOYAH!
  • Usher brought Puerto Rico to its knees over the weekend with his televised concert. Celebrities were all over the clubs and bars of PR, incluing Tom Cruise, who was seen at Babylon for the afterparty.
  • Puerto Ricans have no confidence in airplane pilots. They still clap after landing...because they don't think landing is possible.
back soooon....