
[O]f a tan

Today was Puerto Rico in Boston Day, as Beantown experienced an event unseen for at least 6 months:
86 Degree Weather!
Por suerte, I had no classes, only a meeting with a professor, so I went to relax [and get a fabulous tan!] @ the BU Beach.

  • Like all those acapella groups that exist in every campus? Well, here's a group that plays some REAL MUSIC.
  • The trials of a woman running the Boston Marathon. [she's my hero!]
  • So the new XBOX[360] will be introduced on MTV by Elijah Wood and The Killers. I'm not gonna lie...I'm extremely excited. The magic happens May 12th.
  • Return of the Sith will [hopefully] be amazing. 3 New TV Spots [here], [here] and [here].
In a more random splurge of mind vomit, NES is the shit. Tetris is the shit. Duck Hunt is the shit. Super Mario Bros. is the shit. I hadn't done old school like that in a few years. We should invest in buying a comunal NES for the masses this summer. U in SLG?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

why is your blog in code today? are you being festive?? hit me up

10:36 PM  

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