
[O]f a quick update

Okay so this is very not me, but I've read a few things that I need to write about.

First things first: My lifelong friend Faccio Figueroa is currently in third place at the youth Hobie Cat World Championships in South Africa. I've known this kid since I was I believe 4, and I wouldn't be surprised to see him in the 2008 Olympics representing Puerto Rico. HERE are the current standings of the races.

Faccio is in the far left, with the white stripe down his sleeve. Go to the website to see the big thing!

Then, I just read that Peter Jackson's King Kong is going to be three hours long. Normally this would be a bad sign, but hey, this man made a damn good 13 hour movie.

ok...now i dont remember anything else. I'm too excited about Faccio.

[O]f musical things

  • Madonna's new video is hot. Her new album hopefully will be as well. That is all.

  • Shakira's new video, for "Don't Bother", is unfortunately not as good as the ones for "No" and "La Tortura." The song's awesome, and I'm sure Oral Fixation Vol. 2 will be good, but I doubt it'll be as good as Vol. 1.

  • This is for Liam: Rufus to rerelease Want. I'll get to see Rufus-love, now that I'm in on it as well. Maybe I'll even buy the CD.

  • So Harriet Myers withdrew her nomination to the Supreme Court. Anyone surprised by this?

  • Tomorrow I leave for NYC with Liam. We're seeing Sweeney Todd and The Lion King on Broadway. Awesome? I think so.


[O]f a lonesome task

Pretty soon I'm going to have to get over my irrational fear of doing things alone. Eating at the dining hall, going to the movies, concerts, shows, shopping, walking, etc. Because very soon, that's exactly how I'm going to be.


[O]f a secret...post

i hear ya...


[O]f an unknown powerhouse

Over the weekend my eyes were opened to something very few people at BU know about, CFA shows. Now, a lot of people know about acting and theater and music majors in this university, but it is very few of us that take the time out to see these shows. Now granted, I probably wouldn't have taken the time to see any show had my boyfriend not been in one of them and introduced me to so many wonderful people, but regardless, I saw two shows that blew me away. Troilus and Cressida, the Shakespeare play about the Trojan War, and Trojan Women, the tragic story of the surviving women of the Trojan war, were exercises in excellent acting. The first featured an ensemble cast that brought to life the inter-relationships of the Greeks and the Trojans in a bare stage. The three hour production was sharply acted, and the three hours breezed on by. I didn't know what to expect coming in, especially of what Liam had told me about it, but I was pleasantly surprised and excited once the show was over. Trojan Women, on the other hand, was performed in a classroom, but the raw performances by the all-female cast was absolutely breathtaking. I was at a loss for words in the end and near tears at some points.

The saddest thing about these shows is that nobody goes to see them. Instead crap produced by OB or Stage Troupe get sold out shows and mass accolades. Shows of these nature seem to be directed by most anyone and the acting is bearable at best. And the people behind them, if they are such theater snobs, why do they never go to the shows CFA, the professionals, put on? Some of the non-CFA show that I've seen have been mediocre at best, but regarded as masterpieces. The acting makes a two-hour show seem like a lifetime event, and the directing is basic and shoddy. Anyone can direct these days.

I'm kinda sad 'cuz Liam just called me from leaving his last show, and out of the 80-some people that he invited to go see his show, maybe 2 showed up. And that was to Friday's show. He feels like not many people support him. I feel bad 'cuz I wasn't there for his last performance, even though I was there for his last two. He knows how much I support him, and it even frustrates me that noone showed, because the shows are so good. People makes so much about making time to see other shows, paying money for them, yet neglect shows like his which are free.

Whatever. People will realize this soon. And I'm going to make it my goal to go see these magnifficent shows even when my Liam is far away.


[O]f smiles

nicola bonita (11:47:13 PM): just so you know...
nicola bonita (11:47:18 PM): YOU ARE HAPPINESS
nicola bonita (11:47:24 PM): i heart you!


[O]f a new iPod

Great. Awesome. Revolutionary? I doubt it. I got my ipod [GOB ver 2.0, a 30gb iPod photo] in April. Since then, all iPod's went color, Ipod minis were deleted, iPod nanos introduced, iPod photo no longer called that, 30gb iPods vamoosed, and now, we're back. iPod 30gb are back, at the same price as what I paid for my old one, not 10 months ago. But now, they play videos.

Itunes Music Store is now in ver. 6, which has a spectacular library of music videos. For $1.99 each. Great. Awesome. Remember a week ago? When they were free? Yea me too. Want to see music videos? Go to AOL Music On Demand. Thousands of songs and music videos, for free. Sure you can;t put them in your iPod video, but they're there, and free. You could always download music videos for free [anywhere] and convert them to your new iPod video.

Will I get one? Not yet. I'm going to wait for the next-gen of iPods. I need Bluetooth or WiFi, FM [or XM] transimissions, and the like. Then I can go online, buy music through Itunes right on my iPod. then go to AOL and stream my music videos. Soon.


[O]f a suicide.

When lights that shine too bright, and the darkness is exactly what you seek
When every sound, from the chirping of a bird, the crashing of the waves, to the voice of your friend,
sound like a bullhorn embedded in your ear
When you think that punching your eyelids in
or carving them out
or pressing them 'till they explode
will fix everything
When you clench your teeth to prevent yourself from launching
When you think you can dig your finger through your eye sockets and scratch your brain
When the room spins from one direction to the next
When you are an asshole and you don't know why
When you want to kill your professor
When you get nauseous
When you pass out
When darkness is your cure
Then you have a migrane.

15 years and counting. fuck the pain.


[O]f a dying island

This world is unfair. This kid graduated with my sister, was on his way to a respectable [in Puerto Rican terms] career in television. Now he was shot to death while in his car. Too fucked up. Too sad.

El asesinato de Alejandro Félix Tomey Imbert, de 22 años de edad y residente de la urbanización Hyde Park en Río Piedras, ocurrió a las 8:10 p.m. del domingo en la intersección del Expreso Román Baldorioty de Castro y la calle San Jorge en Santurce.

Según la investigación preliminar del agente de Homidicios Héctor Hernández, Tomey Imbert viajaba en un automóvil Scion tC negro y esperaba el cambio de la luz del semáforo cuando fue tiroteado por el ocupante de un vehículo tipo “jeep”.

El cuerpo de Tomey Imbert presentaba un disparo en el ojo izquierdo, otro en el lado izquierdo del cuello y dos en el pecho. Hernández ocupó en la escena un casquillo de bala calibre nueve milímetros y dos fragmentos de blindaje de proyectil.

Aparentemente, Tomey Imbert era del barrio Serrote de Las Marías y residía alquilado en Río Piedras.


[O]f Cinematography

Wanna see my Cinematography Project?
Starring Liam and Nicole?
Of course you do.